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Mangrove Jack’s US West Coast Ale Yeast M44

Suitable for American Style Pale Ales, American Double IPAs, American Style Imperial Stouts and more. A top-fermenting ale strain suitable for American style ales. This yeast produces an exceptionally clean flavour, ideal for when you want the hop character to really punch through. RECOMMENDED TEMPERATURE RANGE: 18 – 23°C (64 – 73°F) ATTENUATION: 77 – 85% FLOCCULATION RATE: Medium – high A very neutral strain even when fermented in higher gravity worts and warmer temperatures. Tangy citrus and pine hops aromas will be enhanced, as well as toasted and dark malt aromas.. Beers fermented with this strain will finish dry and crisp. This strain is at its best in hop prominent American style ales. Very light ales may turn out a bit stripped, thin or astringent if care is not taken with the mash temperature and avoiding over-extraction. Acidity is moderately high, boosting hop flavours and creating a clipped finish. Remaining very neutral, this strain excels in strong ales with simple malt bills. Alcohol will be a dominant flavour and aroma constituent, and may be quite warming but not harsh.
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