Unlock the art of brewing with our ESB 3kg Premium Kits. These are the top shelf extract beers.
Home brewers looking to create rich, full-bodied beers with authentic flavors. Each kit contains high-quality ingredients, including malt extract, hops, and a premium SAF yeast or similar (superior yeasts = superior results), providing everything you need for a successful brewing experience.
These premium kits are designed for both novice and experienced brewers.
The ESB 3 kg range of kits offer a large variety from lager to pale ale and stouts with everything in between.
The yeasts are refrigerated and are always the freshest available.
They only require water to complete the process.
These kits are praised for their ease of use and quality results making them popular amongst home brewers.
Users appreciate the ability to produce beers with an alcohol content around 4.5 – 5% without needing additional fermentables.
Brewers report excellent taste and quality, comparing favourably with commercial beers.
A great choice for homebrewers seeking quality and convenience..
With easy-to-follow instructions, even novice brewers can master the craft in no time.